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ClearLift is the perfect treatment for those who want their skin looking its best all day long. Most people don’t experience any downtime following Clearlifts and it can be considered an easy “lunchtime procedure.” However, some individuals may react differently so make sure you consult with your practitioner before getting treated.
The ClearLift laser is a safe and effective treatment for hair removal that does not cause damage to the epidermis.
We recommend 3-6 sessions with a skin analyst, but it’s important to remember that they will be able give you the best advice based on your personal needs.Six weeks after finishing your recommended treatment protocol, you’ll be able to see maximum results.
The 20s are when your skin starts to lose its elasticity. You may start noticing fine lines and wrinkles more often, or lax tissue that gives the appearance of aged peels on one’s face. But don’t worry – ClearLift promotes collagen remodelling which helps with improving all these things including how much time you have left before looking old will become irreversible.With Harmony XL Promachine , you can have anti-wrinkle injections or dermal fillers in order for your skin care needs to be met holistic.